
Never be Afraid of Repeating Yourself!

“For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” Hebr. 10:14
“Therefore, brothers…we have confidence…” Hebr. 10:19

The revival preacher, Charles Finney (1792-1875), - also an educated lawyer – quotes in his autobiography a judge of the supreme court who made some critical, but relevant remarks on ministers in general:

“They are afraid of repetition”, he said. “They write in too elevated a style, and read without repetition and are not understood by the people.” And he added, “When I was at the bar, I used to take it for granted when I had before me a jury of respectable men, that I should have to repeat over my main positions about as many times as there were persons in the jury box. I learned that unless I do so, illustrated, and repeated and turned the main points over, - the main points of law and evidence – I should lose my cause.”

By the way, I had the joy to see my son-in-law, also a lawyer, do exactly that in the Fresno courthouse, Ca., last month. I immediately thought of what I´d read in Finney´s autobiography. My son-in-law kept repeating his arguments substantiated with clear evidences, using simple illustrations which even a child could understand. What a lesson to me. By the grace of God I want to be that way at the bar of the gospel!

My reasons for saying all this is what you have probably found yourself in your Bible reading. When I´m reading the epistle to the Hebrews I´m impressed and blessed how the Spirit keeps repeating over and over again the sufficiency of the finished work of Christ to give us who have trusted Him a solid rock to have our feet stand on, to live by, to be bold about and to face the eternity with. When it comes to the gospel, my friend, never be afraid of repeating yourself. Jesus did it. The Holy Spirit does it. And so do we.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jorn, You have a very nice blog here! You may also appreciate the many testimonies of Jesus Christ at http://wetestifyofchrist.blogspot.com. God bless!
